Saturday, January 10, 2009

Wants and Needs for my New Home

Greetings y'all!

Today I began my independent search for a new home. I have an agent and all, but I can not expect my ally to do EVERYTHING for me! A huge part of it definitely involves... well... ME! So I started driving around and looking for some nice town homes. Now some of you might be thinking, "Well yankee, you ballin' and makin' that corporate money... Why not get a house?" Well, simply put, I do not want to deal with yard maintenance. That is a task for "settled and married men." Besides, I do not even have a lawnmower... That is what my homeowners dues are for. Let me find a woman, fall in love, have a knee failure on my strong leg on a romantic getaway first, and THEN I will worry about lawn work. Also, I see myself taking a hiatus from this area in the distant future (about 6-8 years ahead) since I am aiming for a top 10 Business School, so it would not be very beneficial for me to get a single family home at this time.

Do you HONESTLY think by paying a mortgage, this brotha is settling down and getting married? LOLOLOLOLOL!!! No! This young brotha is taking a financially responsible step in the right direction!

Young people fresh out of college, if you get nothing else from this entry, know that you lose more when you rent long term vs renting in the short term (we all know you gotta get your down payment together) saving, and then using the money you supposedly saved since day one of working for your employer as a down payment towards a mortgage!

So then I really thought about what I want vs what I need. Then I started asking some very hard questions... Questions like:

Do I WANT a Garage? HELL YEA!
Do I NEED a Garage right now (starting out)? Uhm, well, no not really. Since it is only going to be me, I can go without a garage. Yea, it will be nice to have a garage for storage space, but I am not even fully utilizing the storage space at my apartment, and the "Containment Area" is pretty safe... No one has mugged Jade, and the areas I am looking to live seem to be pretty safe and alert communities.

Do I WANT assigned parking? YES!
Do I NEED assigned parking? YES! - Let me explain. This is the one thing that really grinds my gears (thanks Peter Griffin) when it comes to (my) apartment living... Sometimes I come home late at night, from my evening adventures (99.99999% from work ;-) ), and I have no where to park! I would have to go all the way to the OTHER side of the apartment complex just to park, and Lord help me if I have groceries that night (and there were QUITE a few nights of that)! I am not a huge fan of parking behind other cars so I can run groceries in... Most of the time, people who park in our spaces are guests of residents, who leave at like 3-4 in the morning... Either way, I am screwed. So, definitely assigned parking. From the places I have been scouting, most of them if not all of them have two spots allocated per town home, more than enough for me and a guest. AND from the neighborhoods I have scouted, there are parking lots literally within walking distance of my assigned slots, so if I ever decide to host an Ohio State, USC, or a Superbowl party, company will not need to worry about where to park!

Do I want an energy efficient home? YES! AS EFFICIENT AS POSSIBLE! I will entertain all options for gas and electric appliances (even a hybrid mix of the two) as long as my bills are kept low when all the dust settles. You should see the electric bill I have to pay this month.... IT'S ATROCIOUS! And it is not like I am watching TV all the time, I do not even have cable! And I have energy efficient light bulbs everywhere! I think the technician is reading the wrong meter for my apartment, personally. Oh well.

One thing that I definitely do not want is a setup where you can place a TV above the fireplace. I want my fireplace on one side of the living room, and enough room to incorporate my couches, and my future flatscreen somewhere else BESIDES on top of the fireplace. If you guys are already doing that, kiss your warranty on your TV's goodbye! And plus, it is a really dumb thing to do, I do not care how well insulated your fireplace is. You never, ever, EVER place elecronic equipment (all electronic equipement is sensitive to excessive heat) above a fireplace! Take it from a "Double E" (Electrical Engineer) who knows!

Bedrooms... I want at least 2! If I can get 3, I would. I do intend on renting out those rooms once I get them. I remember the kindness of former strangers when they let me rent a room in their homes during my summer internships. Now it is my turn to join in on the fun! And make a little money on the side! Most likely it will be interns I rent to, gotta have reliable sources of prospects!

Bathrooms... At the minimum, 2 Full Baths! If I can get 3, el YAY, but at least 2 full. No compromises there! Especially if I am going to rent it out!

Appliances... I need my appliances. I do not want to move into a home and then see a big hole in the wall where the dishwasher, stove, and fridge used to be. I need all my appliances in the house. So all the above, plus washer/dryer, central air/heating, etc... I do not want to buy any major appliance. The only major things I want to buy (post closing) is my bedroom set, some couches for my living room, a decent sized flat screen TV (and no, Vizio will not do), and an XBox 360.

Flooring... I love hard wood floors! Growing up, my room had hard wood floors, so I guess I'm kind of used to it! But if it is too expensive to have, roll out the carpet! Again, hard wood floors is a want, not necesarilly a need.

That about all I had for now, and I am pretty sure I will amend my wants and needs list in my first home. But for now, I think I will fix my dinner and get ready for another nightly adventure... SALSA NIGHT in the City of Medicine!

Gotta keep these skills up (I did not take Salsa lessons to get my jollies off)!!! Aiight y'all, I am out! Peace!

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