Friday, January 23, 2009

Weird Gym Encounter

So I had another normal day at work, even though I need to do some more testing tomorrow, so I will be be going in bright and early... This early career professional gotta do his thing! 

Now heres where things got a little weird. So I am working out at the gym, pretty normal. After I workout, I go into the locker room. There was one guy there. So I get out of my gym clothes and go into the shower room. Now there are like 10-12 stalls. So I go to the furthest one down... I hop in the shower, and 1 min later, the only other guy that was in the locker room, steps into the shower stall next to mine.... Now keep in mind the following:

There were only 2 guys (including me) in the locker room...

I go to the furthest shower stall from the locker room...

The guy goes into the stall right next to me.... Of ALL the shower stalls, he goes into the one, right next to me....

Normally, I shower for 10 minutes, but for some reason, I felt clean after 2 and a half. 


Maybe it was my paranoia of the whole situation, but my instincts told me to get the !@#!@#$! out of there. It just seemed a little too weird.

I am going to write about the Dance Theater of Harlem performance I witnessed tonight, tomorrow. I need rest. 

1 comment:

  1. That was hilarious. I don't blame you one bit because I would have done the same. Hilarious!
