Monday, January 19, 2009





Okay, so today I heard the most wonderful news! Snow is coming to the region! SNOW!!! Can you believe it!?! I get to experience Southern Chaos first hand! Since I am a "Northerner" I am used to the snow, as well as driving in it. Now I have been told that in this particular part of the states, that if there is as much as 1mm of snow.... GAME OVER! This I gotta see!

If it is a snow day, I will just work from home. If I can not get on the roads, it will be a little rough trying to keep my tutoring commitment. So I guess I will just have to play it by ear! I was invited to an MLK party tonight, but due to the impending weather, and the fact that the party is 30+ miles away from where I live, I think it will be best if I stay home for the night.

Besides, tomorrow is going to be a GREAT DAY in U.S. History! Barack Obama will be sworn in as the 44th President of the United States! This is significant because of the fact that he will be the first African American President in the history of our Union! I wish I was there to witness history first hand, but the more responsible thing for me to do is to stay where I am, and watch it from abroad. I have a lot of things going on in my life. Particularly, saving for a new home. And as much as I would love to be at the Washington Mall right now, it would be financially irresponsible for me to divert funds from my savings which will ensure my piece of the American Dream, to scrounge around for hotel rooms, taxi and metro services, and a whole bunch of "unknown unknowns (thank you Donald Rumsfeld)," especially since it was financial carelessness that got America into the situation it is in now. I think Barack Obama will understand that and respect this brotha for looking at the whole picture carefully, and making a sound and correct judgment. It was a very tough call. 

Nonetheless, I can not help but think of how my dad is taking all of this. My father was exposed to racism during his early years as well as his tenure in the service. He was one of those men that thought that he would never, ever, ever see a Black man become President in his lifetime. And like many others from the Silent Generation (b. 1933), he cried, and rejoiced, when Nov. 4 rolled around, and he saw the great announcement on CNN... "BARACK OBAMA ELECTED PRESIDENT."

And now he will witness Obama being sworn in! 

I too, voted for Barack Obama. There was no doubt in my mind. America needed a new direction. A change from the past. On that election night, America's better angels DID speak out. No one can dispute that. And as I watch the inauguration I will have another reason to add to my list of why I am proud to live in this country, despite the good, the bad, and the ugly that comes with the notion of being an American. 

Time to witness history!

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