Friday, March 6, 2009

The Lenten Saga: Day 10

So much going on...

So much at work...

So much outside of work...

Work, Workout, Tutor, Golf, Choir, dealing with @$$holes on the road to and from work... Just a real dose of life. Clothes no longer fit because they are too big for me, yet I refuse to get a new wardrobe because I am cheap... I guess I will have to change that tune.... Maybe after I get the home and furnish it! Priorities are becoming more and more clearer, in which (sorry to say), being social and dating members (and only members) of the opposite sex is moving lower and lower down the list. Hell, it is not like I was not trying. Women here are on some other stuff. Either they are not on my level, or vice-versa, or they are at different stages in their life, whatever. We are just not clicking! It is also possible, well, definitely possible I am meeting the wrong ones at the wrong places. Well, I will not have to worry much about that in the future. When my one year anniversary hits (the day I moved to the Containment Area), I will implement a new strategy in my development. Something I have been planning since coming to this area. No real makeovers, just a new focus... More like a theme for the year to come. Something to keep me motivated, and striving, a missing desire that I can strive towards.

One thing I learned that I am good at is implementing things that I say I am going to do. I have made a lot of promises and commitments for Lent (as well as giving up quite a bit), and I have not broken my Lenten commitment. Basically, it is only because I have one of those drives to do things "just to do them" and I love challenging myself. I try to make things a competition, even if I am the only competitor, in my mind. It drives me to push on, and implement new and different things to see if it brings me closer to whatever goals I have set. And I do feel like I accomplished something when I meet the goals.

Tomorrow, I am going to the driving range with a fellow friend who just thinks my views on dating are extreme! This is going to be one hell of a conversation! Count on that!

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