Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Lenten Saga: Day 18

Oh what a DAY in sports!

USC Wins the Pac - 10!

THE Ohio State beats Michigan State! and they WILL Be BIG-10 Champs


and Duke Won (future ACC champs baybee)!

Need I say more!?!?!?!
I mean seriously, need I say more!?!?!

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Lenten Saga: Day 17

Well, I know I am still going through my Lenten Journey, but I also said last week that I will write another social dating okie-dok note, and here it is!!!

So from the Yankee that brought you "The Broken Date Syndrome" and "The Possible Date Disorder" here is another okie-dok that I do not put up with.

Okie-Dok #3: Lady keeps mementos (pictures etc...) of past loves in her home while dating men.

So I recently told a friend of mine a story about one of the women I dated . I told him how we hit it off, exchanged numbers, and for the first couple of dates, I would go and pick her up, but I would never go into her residence when I walked her to her door. You know, being the true gentleman that I am. We were progressing. We had already held hands, shared a kiss, you know how I do! You will be surprised how far a little charisma and youthful and gentleman-like qualities will take you with a woman. And fellas, she was no duck! And fellas that know me, have you ever seen me with anyone that quacks? (LOLOLOL). Anyways, about one week after our last date, right when I was about to call her (to ask her out on another date) she calls me and invites me over for dinner, sweet talking me and saying things like "You deserve this, because you've been so good to me," and "I'm glad men like you still exist," "You are worth it," Bla bla bla bla bla...

Hey, I was not going to complain, it was almost as if she read my mind and beat me to the punch. To make it even scarier, the day and time of this dinner was the exact day and time I was going to ask her had I asked her out on the next date! A woman making dinner for me! This was before Obama's "Change you can believe in!" I was liking this... And everything was good.... Right up to the point when for the first time, I entered her residence... for the last time.

I saw one of those wall frames that got like 10-20 different slots for different photos and I saw quite a few guys, and pictures of her hugged up on some of them. This is how the conversation went:

Yankee (me): "Wow! You told me that you had a huge family... Are all of these your brothers and nephews? I am assuming those are your parents, and that is probably your sister..."

Woman (her): "Yea, thats my mom and dad, and thats my sister, but those aren't my brothers, those are some of my ex's that I keep in contact with."

Yankee (me): "You still keep in contact with your ex's?"

Woman (her): "Yea, this one called me a couple of days ago all drunk and !@#@! He wants to see me this weekend. I told him I'll go. I aint seen him in awhile."

DOUBLE YOU TEE EFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Thats WTF spelled out just in case you were getting confused)

It was bad enough that she had her ex's on the wall, but the fact that she was receiving drunk calls from her ex's was more than I was willing to put up with. Now I have my own view on the drunk call, but this note is about past loves, and she basically gave me a double whammy!

Now, my (male) friends and I had a HEATED discussion about women and their past-love mementos. Of course this conversation took place years after this dating encounter (circa near present day!). One of my boys was pissed that his girlfriend kept pictures of some of her ex's all out and about her apartment, and they have been exclusive for about a year. From the exchange from this brotha to the group, he relayed to us that she was telling him that there was no effing reason for him to be all jealous like that and to be a man and grow up because "you need to get off that petty !@$!@." He told us he then apologized to his woman, and promised to never bring it up again, but he was still very bothered by the situation. So when he told us this, I asked another brotha what he thought and he told me that there really shouldn't be a reason to keep pictures like that around. All the other brothas were shaking their head... at the man who apologized, they thought he took the @#$#@ way out. In my view, I think he did too.

So why are the pictures of past loves and mementos an okie-dok?

It is an okie-dok because the woman is trying to convince the man that she living in the present with evidence of the contrary. In other words, she is still stuck in the past.

Some people find it hard to let go of great times and great memories with people they gave their hearts to. But whether you were the dumper or the dumped part of you feels damaged. So to move on, you think about all the great times you had with the people you are no longer seeing. The way they look, their smile... Let the right Luther Vandross song come on while you are looking at your last ex from a box of memories, and you will be in tears. But then, after several months, you start going out again, but you did not get rid of the pictures. Then you meet a guy that you really like, and after you two go out, quite a few times it gets serious to the point where you start inviting him over to your place. Sometimes you try to be smart and you hide the photos, you put them in a box, or you still keep one by your bedside, in the room where your new love is forbidden to go. Or you have the type of mentality that you are not going to make changes to your home layout and if some guy you are dating thinks that having pictures of your ex's around the place is weird, you are ready to fire your shots!

In the Social Dating world, this ailment is called the Ex-Defect. Just like the Broken Date Syndrome, and the Possible Date Disorder, it is not cultural, racial, gender, creed, profession, or age specific! Symptoms include a spirit and body in the present, with a mind trapped in the social-dating mental ecstasy that is the past. Symptoms also include increased aggression against men who found the balls to confront you on the ailments aided to keep you Ex-Defective (pictures mostly, but pictures and mementos of your past loves) who are trying to cure you!

Yea, you people (men and women) did not know that was a disease huh?

So what is this Relocated Yankee's stance on the Ex-Defect?

When it has been established that the woman I am dating has not / can not / will not let go of her past for our present, we have no future together. She is no longer in my life, and I will not look back!

This is a very aggressive stance. Would you fellas like to know why I am able to sleep so GREAT at night? Because lets admit it men, women dominate our minds, especially the ones that do not know what they want, you know, the ones where the light bulb has not gone off yet in their head to get it together, so they end up messing with your emotions? you know? the ones that love to play games and we let them because WE want them so badly!!! They love speaking in tongues and I do not mean French kissing or being caught up with the Holy Ghost at church!

So when you bring up the issue of past loves (only when YOU have visual confirmation of the proof, DO NOT ASK BEFOREHAND), a majority of the time, I have found that the conversation somehow gets flipped (the longer you engage the woman on this) so that you feel bad. YOU end up feeling bad because she convinced you that YOU were showing signs of jealousy... When in fact you had every right to be concerned. You have every right to be concerned because you are trying to be a contender for her present (and possibly future). You two can not exist in two different time periods! There is no way!

Fella, at what price are you willing to pay for a woman that does nothing but play you (and having photos/mementos of past loves while being with you, whether you are casually or exclusively dating, is a definite indicator that YOU are being played)? Is there a woman out there worth YOU losing your own self respect and dignity? Good luck selling that pitch to me!

Anyways to answer the question about why I sleep great at night... I sleep GREAT at night, because I do not allow the things women do, 99% of the time intentionally, to consume my mind... Thus she does not dominate my mind! Because I am able to identify their issues EARLY, drop them, and move on. I drop them because they have issues that THEY need to resolve, for themselves. I can not help her, and she should have all of that resolved before she gave me her number!

Look, I desire great relationships, with great women. Keywords: GREAT RELATIONSHIPS, GREAT WOMEN. The women I want, lives in the present, and the woman that chooses me knows that she will not have to deal with any baggage from my end coming into a relationship... Can that woman make the same guarantee if she is clinging on physical evidence of old memories from a relationship gone wrong?

I make it so simple to the women here (in the area) people are shocked (and some of my close friends are) at the fact that I have not been clubbed over the head and drug back to THEIR house! LOL!

Here is why: Whatever great memories I had with my ex's died the day we broke up. There is no evidence of their existence in my home or in my life. The photos and cards were burned, the gifts were destroyed, their numbers deleted! I think of what they did (via breakup) as paving the way for someone better to come into your life. Besides, they made the decision to become a part of my past, and I have made the decision to keep them there. And when I meet that new love, she can focus on complimenting me in her own special way, and not have to feel like she is doing any kind of damage control... AND she can sleep very easily at night knowing that she will not be compared because there is nothing/no other female from my she can be compared to!

Why? (Caution, you are about to read an ENGINEER's answer)

Because I make the best attempt to remove all possible margins for error (comparison)!

In the post-girlfriend time frame, when I date a woman, I do it with class! The last thing I want to do (fellas, this should also be the last thing you want to do too) is make the woman that chooses to date me feel like she is competing with my past. How can you put that woman first if she ever feels like she is competing with past loves? I put all of that to rest because I have no reminders of that past in my present.


Because I desire new memories!


Because I want better memories!


Because I deserve better and I must give the woman who chooses to date me (because I am a firm believer that although men do the picking, women do the choosing) every opportunity within my boundaries to make her shine in that memories category!

Question! Can that woman make the same guarantee with a photo of her ex lover at her bedside? or with a box full of pictures buried in the depths of her closet?

Fellas, when you are dating a woman, and you find out about these "past-ex" mementos, how much (of a 1-sided) sacrifice (in dignity and self-respect) are YOU willing to make to find out the answer to the above statement and question for yourself?

Here is how the rest of the conversation went after she said that she was going to see this ex.

Yankee (Me): You know, its funny, I dated someone just like you once, who had a shrine just like this (points to wall of photos). 'Imma' save you some time.

Now, the above saying is true, but that is a whole different story. I gained a lot of wisdom from another failed dating experience where I was not quick enough to identify the okie-dok right in front of me, and this woman and I went back and forth, back and forth on the issue, and it ended with me walking out angry, pissed off, upset, and complaining to some of my male friends who at the time did not have any real advice to give me. I even lost a lot of sleep... I was a wreck... but my how I have evolved! This experience shaped (along with dad's advice that day, as well as 'Majors') my official dating philosophy position on women who can not let go. And when the situation happened again, I saved myself a lot of drama. After all, until she says "I do" I must always safeguard myself first. Yea, I remember this like it was yesterday, and I even wrote it how I said it, 'Engrish' and all, LOL!

Either way, these are NOT the words of a 'playa,' but of a Yankee, Relocated!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Lenten Saga: Day 16

What a busy day!

Thursdays are my busiest day's out of the week. I guess it is because I have so much going on. In and out of work, with choir and working out... Plus running errands does not make the day any less busy. I got a lot done at work today but I still need to do more. Looks like I will be coming in on the weekend to get it all done! Such has been the way of things. Deadlines are tight, resources, tighter, time is a luxury no one seems to have... Wow, I have not even went salsa dancing in a long time! I will remedy that Saturday... wow, That is going to be a busy day too!

Well, I guess that is good, I am very active... No couch potato-isms here! Plus I am not in my apartment long enough to enjoy the craptacular one I have in my living room. Still looking at furniture for my new place... I want to get decent stuff... I will be here for awhile. I do want to live somewhat comfortably. Exciting times, busy times!

And somehow I survived 16 days of Lent! Hmm, have not received email about Caterpillar this weekend... I guess I will send out a reminder.

To day 17!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Lenten Saga: Day 15

Yankees Reunited!

Today I met another member of my extended family. She is a cousin, possibly distant. We went out to eat and we got to know one another. We have quite a few things in common. I wish I could talk more, but I am too sleepy. Good night!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Lenten Saga: Day 14

The day after the night before...

Yesterday, I was upset at some things that were happening around me. Today, I felt a little better, even though my day started off rocky. I could tell that a lot of things were on my mind from yesterday, and even earlier this morning when I got checked in (body measurements etc...) at the site gym for another upcoming general fitness competition. Even though I lost a lot of weight, and I do mean A LOT of weight, I had an elevated blood pressure of 140/80, which is basically hypertension. I am very confident that it was due to earlier events that happened in my day! I might have my blood pressure re-taken again because I know was not in the right of moods, and though it showed a lot on the outside, I took steps to make sure the least amount of people saw it.

Anger is a controlled emotion. I remember being told as a child that being angry was a sin. But I remember something that Father Massingale said at the Religious Education Congress in Anaheim one year... He said (or he might have been quoting this from someone, I think St. Thomas Aquinas), that anger is not a sin, it is an emotion, but there are sins against anger.

So I did what I have got accustomed to when I am not in the right of mind... I went to the gym. Today was cardio day, and I let it all out on the machines. I tried to keep my heart rate around 160, but there were multiple instances when it went above 170, which is the heart rate zone I try to avoid at all costs.

I will say, in all fairness to all sides, that my issue was resolved, and everyone reconciled. I will do what is necessary to put this all behind me. No "if's, and's or but's" about it. I am a part of a team, and I will do my part, and contribute to the best of my ability. This will not destroy me.

Still have not broken Lent. Still maintaining my Lenten commitments. I will pray to the Lord to help me through.

Monday, March 9, 2009

The Lenten Saga: Day 13

I am going to sum up my day in one sentence:

I hate it when people ask me to do things, and I do it for them, but when it is my turn, and I even say PLEASE it does not get done.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Lenten Saga: Day 12

Another Sunday, gone! But it was a very eventful day!

It started with me picking up my nieces for church... Who forgot to set their clocks ahead one hour! But they got it together. And as always, today's church message was right on point. Basically, today's message can basically be summed up with one question: If God is for us, who can be against us? That is a very excellent question. God is always for us, despite what trails and tribulations we end up going through. Even when it seems like God is absent, to us. God is always for us regardless if a friend you know is against you (and I have many when it comes to Ohio State-Michigan, USC-UCLA, and Duke-North Carolina!), or whether it be your boss at work, or an advestary near or far. So far I have been blessed in terms of not having problems with people at work.... now when it comes to Ohio State, USC, and Duke.....? That is a different story. A lot of my (Carolina) friends are still puzzled as to why I root for them. Maybe I will reveal it in an entry one day. Anyways, as I am going through Lent, despite the challenges I have set for myself, somehow God sees me through. I want to succeed, and God sees my effort, but I was seriously tempted today! LoL! I remember a very interesting line in the movie "Devil's Advocate" that pretty much sums up what I am going through:

"Look, dont touch"
"Touch, dont taste"
"Taste, dont swallow"

LOL I am dying as I am typing this!

But again, I held my own. But it is getting HARDER!!!

Anyways, Duke lost today, so I am kind of bummed, but my Carolina friends do not seem to care about my emotional state due to the loss, so I have to find another way to cope with the pain. It is okay though, Duke will reign supreme when it counts. It is only a matter of time, and then I will have the last laugh! Geeheeahahahaha!!!

Anyways, me so hongry! I am going to go forage for food before hitting the sack! Gotta get up early tomorrow! Peace!