Saturday, January 3, 2009

Looks like I got an Agent!

After meeting with my new Real Estate agent, I am very excited to start my house search. And I finally.... FINALLY know what the difference is between a condominium and a town home! Since I have heard those two used so much to describe the same thing.  Come to find out that they actually are different!

Townhome - Own the front yard, back yard, roof, etc...

Condo - Own the unit(inside the walls), and nothing else.

There's more to it, but that definition was simple enough for me to comprehend! 

So we (Agent and I) discussed what I would like, and prefer. What I like about my current apartment and dislikes, and what I would like in a (town) home. I'm very flexible and pretty open. I definitely want a garage!!! I'm looking for new and used, and trying to stay within a reasonable distance from work. Though this will be my new primary residence, the location I am looking to purchase in, will appreciate much faster in value. 

This means if/when I do decide to sell, it will be worth WAY more than when I purchased it! Getting a townhome in a developing area sounds mighty nice right about now... Now all I gotta do is maintain my financial drive!

Going to bed. Church tomorrow! Gotta rest this voice... Especially since I sing.

The morning after the night before

Well more like the afternoon after the night before. So there were two First Fridays events I stopped through. Both were typical, except one was for one demographic and the other was for another. Both places have beautiful women, but they're not quite what I expected. It was very slim pickins'! One group likes to talk and not dance, the other likes to dance and not talk! I do both, so it was a little difficult meeting these new people and have somewhat of a fun time. Now that I am a relocated Yankee, I have to start all over again on the social front. My life is back in the North and out in the West. That is where the vast majority of my friends are. I have great friends, truly a blessing from God. But it sucks I have to go solo for awhile, until I establish my new network of friends. It's a good thing I'm not shy. Today I am meeting with a lady that will help me find a home. Lord willing I will be moving into my new residence by the time my apartment lease is up.

Friday, January 2, 2009

First Friday's!!!

I am a social person...

I love the social scene... a bonafide social-ist (political pun intended)! This is where I meet lots... and lots of interesting... and new people. Though I am single, I do not need to be alone on a Friday night. So yes, I am getting dressed and ready to go! Meet new people, specifically women... Maybe I'll find one worth exchanging numbers with. I'm a good catch but I just wont fall for any lady! She gotta be beautiful, with an even more beautiful personality. Definitely not afraid to meet new people.

We'll see what happens in this my new land of Oz!

Stay Tuned!

Becoming a Free Agent in 2009

Good morning.

Still on vacation. A lot of time to myself for me to think. I think about a lot of things. Right now, I'm thinking about how I can earn some extra money, lol (Im trying to ignite my inner entrepreneurial mojo). Who doesn't? If I lived in the industrial age, my life would be somewhat simpler... Go to school, get an education, and get a job for life. And even growing up, I was told to do the exact same thing: "You gotta go to school and get education so you can have a job and have job security and an exciting career," says my old-world parents.

Good advice, somewhat, except that in this world job security is an oxymoron. And even though I am doing well in my job and starting my career off right, I am not immune to job cuts, or being fired. My employer can slash me anytime, then what will I do? I have bills to pay... Loans to pay... Gotta eat right?

So I will also use this year to develop my "Free Agent" skills. Instead of having just one job, I will seek to have multiple ones, each one developing a certain 'skill' that I possess and would like to enhance further. Maybe one of those will lead to something big. For now, I'll just go to Barnes and Noble and do some reading. What I really want, is to have more control over my money in 2009, since I'm young, new, and just starting out with my full time job. 

Maybe do some investing. I dunno. Gotta pay bills first. I would love to make enough money from my (future) side jobs so I can truly focus on my passion. I am fortunate to be working for a company that lines up with my passion. More posts to come!

Going to do some much needed chores around the apartment. By this time next year, I want to say "Going to do some much needed chores around the HOUSE!"

Then workout time, Barnes and Noble, and whatever errands I feel like running.


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Greetings! New Years Resolution, and more in 2009!

January 1, 2009 is the start of a lot of things that will happen in my life. Note I did not say 'good things,' 'bad things,' or 'ugly things' as I will always continuously try to prepare for situations as they unfold in my life. 

As many people around the world have done, I have made resolutions. The resolution that I am interested in sharing with the online community, is this one: 

In 2009, I will blog about my daily life, things that are on my mind, and stuff that I do/participate in. 

Though I am a man, I am a humble servant of God, and a child of Christ, and I definitely believe in that old adage "It takes a village to raise a child." As a mature, young adult, I still humble myself as a child. The village I choose to target is the internet, where there is good, bad, and ugly. It is here, where through your comments and advice, recommendations, praise, or criticisms, I will become a more well-rounded, and more informed person. 

I intend on blogging about a variety of topics. Stay tuned and keep coming back! I will appreciate all your comments.

One thing you gotta know about me, is that I am a fan of college football. My two favorite teams are The Ohio State Buckeyes and the USC Trojans, especially since I went to both schools for my academic education. This also means you should already know how ecstatic I was to see USC beat Penn State in the Rose Bowl 38-24. 

Now, MY eyes are on the Buckeyes!

You're probably wondering why my blog is called "The Chronicles of a Relocated Yankee." Fair enough... and If you weren't, you're gonna know why anyway.

When I moved here sometime after graduating from grad school, I settled in Cary. From here, I am plotting my next move(s) in life. One of my co-workers, who is a mentor of mine, calls Cary the Containment Area for Relocated Yankees! The fact that I asked where the "Pop" machine was added to the stigma that I was from the "Yankee Midwest." I thought it was hilarious. 

Hence the name of this series: "The Chronicles of a Relocated Yankee."

G'nite, Yall!