Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Lenten Saga: Day 12

Another Sunday, gone! But it was a very eventful day!

It started with me picking up my nieces for church... Who forgot to set their clocks ahead one hour! But they got it together. And as always, today's church message was right on point. Basically, today's message can basically be summed up with one question: If God is for us, who can be against us? That is a very excellent question. God is always for us, despite what trails and tribulations we end up going through. Even when it seems like God is absent, to us. God is always for us regardless if a friend you know is against you (and I have many when it comes to Ohio State-Michigan, USC-UCLA, and Duke-North Carolina!), or whether it be your boss at work, or an advestary near or far. So far I have been blessed in terms of not having problems with people at work.... now when it comes to Ohio State, USC, and Duke.....? That is a different story. A lot of my (Carolina) friends are still puzzled as to why I root for them. Maybe I will reveal it in an entry one day. Anyways, as I am going through Lent, despite the challenges I have set for myself, somehow God sees me through. I want to succeed, and God sees my effort, but I was seriously tempted today! LoL! I remember a very interesting line in the movie "Devil's Advocate" that pretty much sums up what I am going through:

"Look, dont touch"
"Touch, dont taste"
"Taste, dont swallow"

LOL I am dying as I am typing this!

But again, I held my own. But it is getting HARDER!!!

Anyways, Duke lost today, so I am kind of bummed, but my Carolina friends do not seem to care about my emotional state due to the loss, so I have to find another way to cope with the pain. It is okay though, Duke will reign supreme when it counts. It is only a matter of time, and then I will have the last laugh! Geeheeahahahaha!!!

Anyways, me so hongry! I am going to go forage for food before hitting the sack! Gotta get up early tomorrow! Peace!

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