Saturday, March 28, 2009

The Lenten Saga: Day 32

Today I sat back and listened mostly during today's Caterpillar Challenge session. I really did not have much to say or add... Well, even if I did, I keep failing to convey what I want to say. I am beginning to realize that I am much better conveying my message through written word than by voice. It is something I definitely need to work on. I am learning a lot, but I am also realizing that I am a very textbook person. I see questions, then I answer, but if we go further into the topics the Caterpillar book asks, I am silent. It is the equivalent of me teaching my pupils I tutor how to use their own reasoning and what they were taught to solve more complicated problems based off knowledge of the basics. This is simply the religious equivalent.

I must get better.

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