Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Big Surprise from Big Brother!

Oh Wow!

I was going to make this blog a joint posting about my encounter with my brother and his wife, and another dating okie-dok, but I am going to have to set aside the okie-dok for another day! 

So it is not often that I see my older brother. So I was extremely elated that he was in the area along with his wife. We finally got reunited and we dined at a nice Italian restaurant. We both had a lot of news to tell each other. On my end, I told him and his wife, that I will be a home owner this year! So my brother, also a realtor was giving me tips and pointers on how to negotiate some of the things I may want in my home. Great advice! We also talked about what was going on back in the North with family... The good, bad, and ugly. It was a necessary conversation. 

But after that, they told me the most exciting news! They are moving... to...


Charlotte, North Carolina! Can you believe it!?!?!?!?!?! More family coming to the region! I will be honest with you, when I first moved to the Containment Area, I did not know of any family that existed here. Oh I had a couple of friends from Undergrad that were here, but I hardly saw any of them. And since I was starting over on the social front, the dating list was pretty slim. Then a couple of months later, I received news that my (step)sister lives in North Carolina, and has children my age here! At that point, I did not feel as alone as I used to. We reunited for the first time, and it was enough to make a grown man cry (and yes, I did cry). 

And now this!?! I have a MAJOR reason to go to Charlotte now, well, when they finally move there. I can just see us going to Panther and Bobcat games, and having a blast. This changes a lot of things! 

So from dinner, my brother, his wife, and I talked about my activities, everything from sports, to dancing, to even singing. But they were more interested in my dating life and were shocked when I told them about my adventures here and how socially, it is not panning out so well. I would tell them how some of my interactions went, what they (the ladies) would do (the okie-doks), and how I responded to those situations. They were very disappointed........ in the ladies. I wish some of you could have been there to hear me describe a lot of what I have been encountering. To summarize, as a young and humble, early-career, educated man, who can maintain himself, I am not respected, seen as the husband-type, or worth a their time.

If you want an abridged version of that summary, read only the bold words! 

They are so used to losing, they do not even realize when they have won. 

So I told my brother and his wife that all I can do is keep going, smiling, meet new people, and treat them all the same: with class, dignity, and respect, for that was how I was raised. However, I allow every lady I meet to give me a reason for no longer pursuing them, and they have been more than generous in that department. Once I have the reason, I take no further action on that particular lady, and move on. It is the most respectful, and classy thing to do. Like I mentioned in an earlier post... GREAT home training, Mom and Dad did their thing in raising me! It is amazing how many t-bills, savings bonds, mutual funds, stocks, and commodities you can save by not falling for the 'okie-dok.' Trust me... I have saved so much I can afford a house! Where do you think my down-payment came from ;-)

Okie-dok #2 tomorrow! I promise!!! Have a blessed night!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Man!

    I'm looking forward to reading this second 'okie-dok.'
