When I was wondering,
Out in the desert,
Laden with care,
Somebody folded me close,
To his bosom,
Called to me gently,
Saying "Child come home,"
Somebody saved me,
When I was sinking,
Somebody rescued my soul from the grave,
Somebody lifted my sins with compassion,
Oh it was Jesus,
Saying "Child, come home,"
- Lyrics from the Gospel Song, "Somebody Sought Me."
Today, in church, we learned about authority. Who is our authority? In the old testament, the Lord God was our authority, and the Lord spoke through the many prophets. You know, like Moses, Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc... In the new testament, our authority became the word-made-flesh, in the form of Jesus Christ. In Mark's gospel, we read about how Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit at the synagogue in Capernaum. Those who witnessed were amazed at the sight of Jesus commanding the demon out of the body of the infested man.
"What is this? A new teaching with authority. He commands even the unclean spirits and they obey him."
- Mark 1:27
We also read out of Corinthians about how unmarried men are about the things of the Lord and a married man is about the things of the world... you know, like pleasing one's spouse, and vice-versa for women...
Reality check: How many unmarried men/women are about the things of the Lord? LOLOLOLOL!!!!! But on the flipside, how many married men/women realize that their marriage is a part of their vocation to God?
Our pastor then went on to talk about how a lot of single (young adults), claim that they are their own authority... How they can do whatever they want. I am sure some of you know people like that... Maybe at some point in your life, you were like that...
I wonder if I was ever like that (eyes gazing at the sky with a sadistic grin)... Hehehe! If you are curious, here is my answer to that question:
"I had my moments, not many, but I did have them."
Declaring one's self as their own authority can come in the form of not recognizing: your parents authority over you as a child or teenager, men/women who enforce our local, state, and national laws, or other figures of authority. I remember students at Ohio State challenging professors thinking that they were smarter than them, at the expense of annoying EVERY OTHER student (myself, DEFINITELY included) trying to learn from the man or woman with the PhD.
The problem, our pastor explained, with claiming that you are your own authority is that your wants and needs change, and that really stuck out to me. What you want to do now, might not be what you want to do, one year from now. How you think/act towards a certain philosophy, due to someone's influence over you can change if another person succeeds in altering your view, and so on and so forth... Those who go on the path of being their own authority can/might/will lead themselves on a path of confusion. I have witnessed the disastrous effect of rebellion between a child and a parent firsthand, with the child not acknowledging the authority of the parent.
The Church teaches us that Jesus Christ, the son of the living God, is the authority by which we should live our lives. Through him, we learn how to live (our lives), and through him, we learn how to treat others. There are times where by his authority, that we might be called to do something unpopular in the eyes of the world. Taking on Christianity is not an easy task. As a matter of fact, Christians were persecuted by the Romans for following Christ. It was not until Constantine's Reign that Christianity became the state religion in Rome. When the Edict of Milan was signed in 313, Christian persecution came to a screeching halt.
So be proud Christian brothers and sisters, but also be aware of the lifelong task you have ahead. It will not be easy, and there will be times you will be challenged. If you believe in the Lord as I do, Christ will not put more on you than you can bear, so take up your own cross, and follow him, your true authority, now and for ever.
Good night!
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