Today marks the first day of Lent, a period of fasting and abstaining, calling to mind our sinfulness and our call to repent from our ways. So this year, I have decided to challenge myself way more than I have done in previous years. Now I will not go any further in terms of what I have given up, or what I have committed to, but it is a decent sized list. I know this: I would not have attempted this during the OSU or Southern Cal years, period! Since I have a normally routine schedule, I can establish a little bit more discipline, with ease.
I really want to take this time before Easter and REALLY answer some tough questions, not only about the faith, but about my life. Where is it heading? Why am I single? What is my current assignments in my career preparing me for? Where are my friends? How badly do I want certain things? How long will I be here (Containment Area..... okay, Earth as well)? What better way to seek clarity, than to seek out the Lord and Savior in my daily devotions? So during this time, I will make a stronger, more concentrated effort (in addition to what I am currently doing), to deepen my relationship with Christ. With the help of the church, and those who wish to help me, I will either find my answers, or will be on the path to finding my answers.
So says this Yankee! Let the Lenten Journey Begin!
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