Saturday, January 3, 2009

Looks like I got an Agent!

After meeting with my new Real Estate agent, I am very excited to start my house search. And I finally.... FINALLY know what the difference is between a condominium and a town home! Since I have heard those two used so much to describe the same thing.  Come to find out that they actually are different!

Townhome - Own the front yard, back yard, roof, etc...

Condo - Own the unit(inside the walls), and nothing else.

There's more to it, but that definition was simple enough for me to comprehend! 

So we (Agent and I) discussed what I would like, and prefer. What I like about my current apartment and dislikes, and what I would like in a (town) home. I'm very flexible and pretty open. I definitely want a garage!!! I'm looking for new and used, and trying to stay within a reasonable distance from work. Though this will be my new primary residence, the location I am looking to purchase in, will appreciate much faster in value. 

This means if/when I do decide to sell, it will be worth WAY more than when I purchased it! Getting a townhome in a developing area sounds mighty nice right about now... Now all I gotta do is maintain my financial drive!

Going to bed. Church tomorrow! Gotta rest this voice... Especially since I sing.

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